HSPI ha aggiornato il database dei progetti di process mining. Il documento è disponibile presso il sito dell’IEEE Task Force on Process Mining (link) oppure può essere scaricato direttamente dal sito HSPI.
Process mining is a process management techniques that connects ideas of process modelling and analysis on the one hand and data mining and machine learning on the other. It aims to improve the control over business processes by providing technologies and tools for discovering performance, organizational and social related information from event logs stored within an information technology system.
In this context, HSPI Process Mining Laboratory has developed “Process Mining: A Database of Applications”, the most complete list of process mining adoptions, by collecting directly from the key stakeholders involved, fundamental insights about the application of this technology. The purpose of this study is to create a database of practical cases with no distinction of markets, industries and vendors, but with the only aim of completeness and validity.
We believe this knowledge endeavor could improve the awareness about this technology and to increase the confidence in its business potentials, expanding the community of process mining users to new data scientists, magager, consultants and researcher from all over the world.